FAA Releases Long-Awaited Neighborhood Environmental Study (NES)-N.O.I.S.E. to Meet

The FAA has released the findings of its long-awaited Neighborhood Environmental Survey. This survey was conducted in communities around 20 unnamed U.S. airports, to help determine if the agency needs to update its aviation noise policy. The survey received over 10,000 mail responses, making it the single largest survey of its kind undertaken at one time. The FAA has also invited public comment on the scope and applicability of these research initiatives to address aircraft noise, which is due before March 15, 2021. This is a significant announcement. The notice can be found here.

The N.O.I.S.E. Board and staff have developed the organization's public comment submission which can be found here and we encourage each individual member to submit comments as well.

We would like to come together virtually as a group ahead of the comment period so that the N.O.I.S.E. approved comments can be shared as a template for members and so that we can answer any questions. The agenda can be found here. We want to discuss this unique opportunity to engage in shaping the policy that our organization has focused on for over 50 years.

The N.O.I.S.E. Board will be hosting a Virtual. Meeting to discuss the NES, as well as other organizational business on Wednesday, March 3rd, from 2-4 PM Central.

Please RSVP to Vince Spinner at vinces@primacysg.com