Upcoming Events
Past Events
N.O.I.S.E. 2022 Policy Summit and Community Involvement Workshop
Kansas City, Missouri
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Held in conjunction with the National League of Cities, 2022 City Summit, the event included updates on federal policy that impacts air traffic control changes, as well as presentations from airport noise officers and community advocates who work on the front lines of aviation noise policy. The workshop also allowed for a lively discussion with community leaders and elected officials who have experience in community outreach and aviation noise mitigation with federal policy officers.
N.O.I.S.E. 2019 Policy Summit and Community Involvement Workshop
San Antonio, Texas
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Held in conjunction with the National League of Cities, 2019 City Summit, the event included updates on federal policy that impacts air traffic control changes, as well as presentations from airport noise officers and community advocates who work on the front lines of aviation noise policy. The workshop also allowed for a lively discussion with community leaders and elected officials who have experience in community outreach and aviation noise mitigation with federal policy officers.
N.O.I.S.E. 2019 Annual Legislative Summit
Washington, D.C.
March 10, 2019
Hosted in conjunction with the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference. During this day-long summit, members heard presentations on developments in the FAA’s implementation of NextGen and new techniques and metrics for measuring aviation noise. In addition, members had the opportunity to engage in a discussion about the organization’s key legislative and policy priorities for 2019.
N.O.I.S.E. 2018 Policy Summit and Community Involvement Workshop
Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Held in conjunction with the National League of Cities, 2018 City Summit, the event included updates on federal policy that impacts air traffic control changes, as well as presentations from airport noise officers and community advocates who work on the front lines of aviation noise policy. The workshop also allowed for a lively discussion with community leaders and elected officials who have experience in community outreach and aviation noise mitigation with federal policy officers.
N.O.I.S.E. 2018 Annual Legislative Summit
Washington, D.C.
March 12, 2018
Hosted in conjunction with the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference. During this day-long summit, members heard presentations on developments in the FAA’s implementation of NextGen and new techniques and metrics for measuring aviation noise. In addition, members had the opportunity to engage in a discussion about the organization’s key legislative and policy priorities for 2018.
N.O.I.S.E. 2017 Policy Summit and Community Involvement Workshop
Charlotte, NC
November 15, 2017
N.O.I.S.E. 2017 Annual Legislative Summit
Washington, D.C.
March 13, 2017
Hosted in conjunction with the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference. During this day-long summit, members heard presentations on developments in the FAA’s implementation of NextGen and new techniques and metrics for measuring aviation noise. In addition, members had the opportunity to engage in a discussion about the organization’s key legislative and policy priorities for 2017.
N.O.I.S.E. 2016 Policy Summit and Community Involvement Workshop
Pittsburgh, PA
November 16, 2016
N.O.I.S.E. PBN Working Group Webinar
Washington, D.C.
July 26, 2016
During the webinar, members hear remarks from Emily Tranter, N.O.I.S.E. National Coordinator, in addition N.O.I.S.E. PBN working group Chair Ambrose Clay and a presentation by special guest Jason Schwartz on best practices for operating a successful noise office.
N.O.I.S.E. PBN Working Group Inaugural Webinar
Washington, D.C.
Jan 20, 2016
During the webinar, members heard remarks from Emily Tranter N.O.I.S.E. National Coordinator, in addition to updates regarding NextGen and PBN implementation, noise metrics considerations (with emphasis on the College Park, GA Case Study) and community and federal action updates.
N.O.I.S.E. 2015 Policy Summit and Community Involvement Workshop
Nashville, TN-2015 Congress of Cities and Exposition
November 4, 2015
N.O.I.S.E. 2015 Annual Legislative Summit
Washington, D.C.
March 8, 2015
Hosted in conjunction with the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference. During the day-long summit, members heard presentations on developments in the FAA’s implementation of NextGen and new techniques and metrics for measuring aviation noise. In addition, the members engaged in a productive discussion about the organization’s key legislative and policy priorities for 2015.
Click here to view the agenda.
N.O.I.S.E, 2014 Policy Summit & Community Involvement Workshop
Austin, Texas
November 19, 2014
Held in conjunction with the National League of Cities, 2014 Congress of Cities and Exposition, this year’s event included updates on federal policy that impacts air traffic control changes, as well as presentations from airport noise officers and community advocates who are on the front lines of aviation noise policy and a lively discussion with community leaders and elected officials who have experience in community outreach and aviation noise mitigation.
Click here to view the agenda.
N.O.I.S.E. 2013 Policy Summit & Community Involvement Workshop
Seattle, Washington
November 13, 2013
Held in conjunction with the National League of Cities, 2013 Congress of Cities and Exposition, this year’s event included presentations by aviation industry experts knowledgeable in sound insulation programs, new safety technologies, and the FAA’s plan to implement Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), and a lively discussion with community leaders and elected officials who have experience in community outreach and aviation noise mitigation.
Click here to view the agenda.
N.O.I.S.E. 2012 Annual Legislative Summit
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, DC
March 12, 2012
As part of the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference discussion focused on:
Sustaining the interest of airport adjacent cities in the recent FAA Reauthorization Bill.
Environmental review processes for RNAV/RNP procedures and funding for AIP.
Funding for research programs on the impacts of aviation noise.
Additional information on the March 2012 NOISE Aviation Policy Summit can be found here.
N.O.I.S.E, 2011 Policy Summit & Community Involvement Workshop
Phoenix, Arizona
November 10, 2011
The National Organization to Insure a Sound-controlled Environment (NOISE) held its 3rd Annual 2011 Aviation Policy Summit/Community Involvement Workshop, in conjunction with the National League of Cities (NLC) Congress of Cities and Exposition in Phoenix, AZ on November 9th. The Congress of Cities and Exposition is the NLC's annual convention that brings together thousands of local elected officials from across the United States and offers a broad range of learning opportunities through cooperative dialogue and workshops.
FAA NextGen Environmental Management System (EMS) Forum -- Oct. 20-21, 2011
"Collaboration to Meet NextGen’s Environmental Goals"
Environmental and energy issues present a significant challenge to NextGen; one which will ultimately be met and overcome only with the collaboration of stakeholders like you. The FAA NextGen Environmental Management System Forum provides a medium for aviation stakeholders to collaborate on successful strategies for achieving aviation’s environment and energy goals. This 1.5-day forum is an interactive opportunity for attendees to receive an overview of the FAA Office of Environment and Energy’s activities to date and participate in the development of the NextGen Environmental Management System (EMS). The NextGen EMS approach employs a strategic and systematic framework that will assist stakeholders in identifying and managing environmental issues and provides the foundation for integrating environmental protection objectives into the core business and operational strategies of NextGen. The FAA NextGen Environmental Management System Forum will give you and your organization the opportunity to help shape the EMS and the solutions that will address some of the most significant challenges facing NextGen. The Forum will be held at The Hilton Arlington in Arlington, VA on October 20-21, 2011.
N.O.I.S.E, 2011 Annual Legislative Summit
Washington, DC
March 2011
The 2011 N.O.I.S.E Legislative Briefing was held in the Marriott - Wardman Hotel in Washington, DC. Held conjunction with the National League of Cities’ (NLC) Congressional City Conference, the briefing focused on improving communication with Congress and federal agencies regarding the importance of national programs supporting aviation noise mitigation efforts, research, and development to advance aerospace technology.
Click here to view the agenda.